DIY of the Week: Post-It Matching Game
With children out of school for over a month now, we know that parents are looking for ways to keep their children busy and entertained, which is no easy task. For those with younger children, this Post-it matching game from busytoddler.com is super easy to put together and will keep the little ones entertained and engaged. In this example they made a name matching game, but you can also set it up with colors, letters, numbers, pictures, or any other words depending on your child’s age. Here’s how it’s done.

Supplies needed:
- Butcher paper or large white board
- Marker
- Post-it notes or squares of paper with tape.
- Write or draw the letters, numbers, names, pictures, or words you want your child to match on the butcher paper, then again on post-it notes.
- For extra fun, hide the post-it notes around your house and have your child look for them like a treasure hunt.
- Once your child has collected all the notes, they can then match what’s on the note to what’s on the butcher paper.
- You can play this game many times, switching out the words to make it harder or easier.